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Christmas Luncheon
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The FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association recently celebrated their end of the year luncheon at Bonne Terre Inn. Mayayna McGee (development manager) and Jill Crocker (executive director) from Ronald McDonald House accepted a donation check for $10,000. Brittney Adams (volunteer coordinator) from FedExFamilyHouse also accepted a check for $10,000. The Pilots’ Wives have held several fundraisers to raise the $20,000 donation to their two charities. They also donate many hours each year volunteering at the houses.

Members of FEPWA presented a check for $10,000 to FedExFamilyHouse

Members of FEPWA presented a check for $10,000 to Ronald McDonald House

Our Virtual Fundraiser was a huge success

FEPWA’s Virtual Fundraiser benefitting Ronald McDonald House of Memphis and FedExFamilyHouse was a huge success. Our final fundraising totals are in and we made $23,170! A big THANK you to everyone who generously donated! #fepwarocksthehouses #onehourtomakeadifference



The FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association annual garage sale was a great success. Even with all the rain on Saturday, we were able to raise over $3400 to benefit both the Ronald McDonald House of Memphis and the FedExFamilyHouse. Thank you to all the wonderful members of FEPWA who made this event happen and especially our host couple, Lisa and Mike Redley.

Check presentation to FedExFamilyHouse in the amount of $10,000

Check presentation to Ronald McDonald House in the amount of $10,000

We are gonna ROCK THE HOUSES on March 7, 2020

Each year, families and businesses from the Memphis area partner with FedEx Pilots' Wives Association in our decades-long mission of serving families facing childhood illness at both FedExFamilyHouse and the Ronald McDonald House of Memphis. This year we've added mobile bidding, which means you can bid on Silent Auction items while enjoying everything Rock the Houses has to offer. Snap the perfect halo-lighted photo booth pic, score a killer bottle of wine at Winery Way, grab a few discounted gift cards at Restaurant Row, and take a spin on the CMOM Carousel, all while keeping tabs on your favorite Silent Auction items via phone! Dinner will feature delicious food stations catered by Pink Flamingo and we'll have plenty of beverage tickets available for purchase. After dinner, we'll dig into the Dessert Auction, get competitive at the Live Auction, and might just bust a move on the dance floor! To buy tickets go to


Recently our President, Amber Abney, had the opportunity to go on a local television program called Inspiring Leaders through GHSTV, representing our organization and to highlight our big auction coming up. Sandra Lewis with FedExFamilyHouse and Malayna McGhee with Ronald McDonald House of Memphis joined her to talk about these two fabulous houses!!




VENMO at @FEPWA (use option OFFLINE payment)

End of the Year Luncheon and Donation


The FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association recently celebrated their end of the year luncheon at The Capital Grille in Memphis. A representative from the FedExFamilyHouse, Amber Reed was present to accept a check for $22,000. Jill Crocker, from the Ronald McDonald House, was present to also accept their check for $22,000. The Pilots’ Wives have held several fundraisers to raise the $44,000 donation to their two charities. They also donate many hours each year volunteering at the houses. We look forward to the start of the new year with our new board and more members in September with our Welcome Luncheon. 


Check presentation to Ronald McDonald House in the amount of $22,000


Check presentation to FedExFamilyHouse in the amount of $22.000

New Year Membership Drive

As we reflect back on 2021 we stand in awe at the powerful giving hearts all of you have.  Since it's conception in 1975 FEPWA has been a charity driven group of powerful women.  We support not one, but two charities here in the Memphis area - Ronald McDonald House and FedExFamilyHouse. Both houses desire to support those families who are going through the unimaginable. You, each and every one of you, fill that need for these families year after year. Through your membership, your donations and your fundraising efforts have all gone directly to supporting these houses and the families they serve. This past year, FEPWA was able to donate $32,000 to EACH HOUSE, yes that's $64,000 TOTAL!  You made that happen, and with your involvement in FEPWA, you helped provide those outstanding donations! 


As we welcome in the new year, don't forget to renew your FEPWA Membership for 2022. It is only with all of us, coming alongside one another, that we can continue to support these dedicated charities. We look forward to making ALL the memories this upcoming year with you!

-Cindi Pickering, Membership Director






RECORD Breaking Year!

We did it! We raised $17,335.15 (updated total) in 5 days benefiting the Ronald McDonald House of Memphis and FedExFamilyHouse!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated during our One Hour to Make a Difference Fundraiser! Your support will allow these two houses, who are such important assets to our community, to continue their work of providing a home for parents of patients at St. Jude’s and Le Bonheur, at absolutely no cost to the families!

End of the Year Luncheon and Donation

The FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association recently celebrated their end of the year luncheon at The Capital Grille in Memphis. Representatives from the FedExFamilyHouse, Sandra Lewis and Kavanaugh Casey, were present to accept a check for $10,000. Jill Crocker and Malayna McGee, from the Ronald McDonald House, were present to also accept their check for $10,000. The Pilots’ Wives have held several fundraisers to raise the $20,000 donation to their two charities. They also donate many hours each year volunteering at the houses. We look forward to the start of the new year with our new board and more members in September with our Welcome Luncheon. 

Welcome Back Brunch Sees Largest Numbers


The FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association Board of Directors hosted new and old members at the Buckland Lodge in Halle Plantation on Thursday, September 13, 2018. Over 65+ women were in attendance, the largest crowd to date for this event. While getting to meet members, the ladies enjoyed dining on delicious food and drinks provided by the FEPWA Board of Directors. Members learned about the upcoming events planned for this year including a Day Hub Tour at FedEx, a tour at St. Jude Children’s Hospital, decorating for Halloween at the Ronald McDonald House, and Christmas & Hanukah decorating at FedExFamilyHouse. The committee heads have planned a full calendar this year as well with events scheduled for Book Club, LCR, Bunco, Lunch Bunch, Mom's Group and the Coffee Connections. The ladies were also introduced to all of the opportunities made available throughout the year to raise money for RMH and FEFH including the garage sale to be held this November 2-3, and the Annual Fundraiser Party to be held at Ridgeway Country Club on April 27, 2019.

We have crunched the numbers and we are happy to announce that our auction raised over $50,000 for our charities. THIS IS A RECORD-BREAKING number for our organization and we could not be MORE PROUD of what we have accomplished!! Thank you to our fundraising committee for all of your hard work, to everyone who helped decorate, collect wine, setup, pick up desserts, pick up balloons, run last minute errands, and everyone that solicited for our donations. Without you, this event would not have happened!

Largest number of ladies to attend Welcome Back Luncheon

The FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association Board of Directors hosted new and old members at the Bobby Lanier Farm Park Pavilion on Thursday, September 12, 2019. Over 95+ women were in attendance, the largest crowd to date for this event. While getting to meet members, the ladies enjoyed dining on delicious food and drinks provided by the FEPWA Board of Directors. Members learned about the upcoming events planned for this year including a Night Hub Tour at FedEx, a tour at St. Jude Children’s Hospital, decorating for Halloween at the Ronald McDonald House, and Christmas & Hanukah decorating at FedExFamilyHouse. The committee heads have planned a full calendar this year as well with events scheduled for Book Club, LCR, Bunco, Lunch Bunch, Movie Club and the Coffee Connections. The ladies were also introduced to all of the opportunities made available throughout the year to raise money for RMH and FEFH including the annual Fundraiser Party to be held at The Children's Museum of Memphis on March 7, 2020.


Annual Garage Sale makes $3000 despite weather


The FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association annual garage sale was a great success. Even with all the rain on Friday, we were able to raise over $3000 to benefit both the Ronald McDonald House of Memphis and the FedExFamilyHouse. Thank you to all the wonderful members of FEPWA who made this event happen and especially our host couple, Angela and Brian Witkowsky.


FEPWA Invades the Ronald McDonald House for Halloween

On October 3, the ladies of FEPWA descended on the Ronald McDonald House of Memphis with Halloween decorations and candy in hand. An annual tradition, our organization brings a little spooky to the children and families at RMH. Click here to see more pictures from the day and our monthly "On a Roll" Campaign. 


Decorating for the Holidays at FedExFamilyHouse

An annual tradition, the members of FEPWA, decorate the FedExFamilyHouse for the Christmas season, including more than 12 trees throughout the facility. We have themed trees that include, a Hanukkah tree, a kid's tree filled with ornaments created by our own children, and an Elf Tree in the new lobby of the addition to FEFH. Stocking are hung on the suite doors, toys are brought in for the FEFH Sleigh, and we bring items to help stock the pantry.  This year we had over 30 women who attended and helped bring holiday cheer.

Donate to our "On a Roll" Campaign

Each year the Ronald McDonald House uses over 10,000 rolls of toilet paper. Let's help them out. Each month we will be collecting rolls of both toilet paper and paper towels to bring down to the house. Please contact our RMH Liaison, Janett Wolfard, at to coordinate your donation. 

FedEx Pilots' Wives Association  |  P.O. Box  533, Collierville, TN 38027 |  |  901-286-2901

FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association is an independent, 501c3 and is unaffiliated with FedEx or any of its subsidiaries.
Our Phone number is provided to us by
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